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My artistic practice is a set of everything I love and what I hate, what gives me emotions and makes me vibrate. My influences are everywhere: the corner of a street, the shape of a building, human interactions. The main subject of my creations is the city and its environment; I am fascinated by its evolution over time. I see the beautiful and the ugly in everything and it’s what surrounds me, the people, the passion, the raw. My tastes are largely influenced by architecture and the brutalism movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Brutalism doesn't care about seducing: it is and that's all. A part of me identifies with this movement: my creations are simple and refined, they are emprints of me, of you, of what we create, and what we let die. 


My favorite medium is glass. I chose it because of its transparency, its ability to absorb light and diffuse it, change it, as a way of putting a filter on the world and therefore seeing things differently. And that’s what I want to do, to get people to question themselves, to question their perceptions of the beautiful and the ugly that surround us.


“May our harsh concrete reveal that beneath them, our sensitivities are fine.” - Le Corbusier




Jeanne Letourneau is a visual artist born in Quebec who currently resides in Montreal. Before finding her way in glass art, Jeanne explored several artistic disciplines such as cabinetmaking, visual design and spray paint. She is completing her studies in art crafts, glass option, at Espace Verre in 2021. 


Although at the start of her career, Jeanne has been the recipient of notable awards and residencies including: the Houdé-Mendel Scholarship (2021), the Make the Difference Foundation Scholarship (2021-2022), the Pattie Walker Memorial Award (2022) Additionally, she was part of the 2022 cohort of Emerging Artists in Residence at the Pilchuck Glass School. This year she won the 2023 RBC Glass Prize and was named a finalist for the 2023 François-Houdé Prize.


Jeanne primarily uses core lost wax and glass engraving techniques to create works that reflect the urban environment and the culture that surrounds it.




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